Ever wondered what happens when you cross a unicorn with a whale? You get the majestic narwhal, of course! But let’s not get too serious here. Narwhals are practically the comedians of the sea, and their puns? Well, they’re a “whale” lot of fun.
Funny narwhal puns and jokes
Narwhals are the unicorns of the sea, and that means they’re a pun goldmine! Get ready to dive into some fin-tastic narwhal puns that’ll have you and your friends laughing like fishes out of water. I promise these jokes will be a “whale” lot of fun.
1. What do narwhals use to always stay on time? Their “shell“phones!
2. Why don’t narwhals get lost? They’ve got their own built-in “GPS”—Great Pointy Snout.
3. What’s a narwhal’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good “whale” beat!
4. How do you organize a party at the bottom of the ocean? You “kelp” everyone informed.
5. How do narwhals send messages? They use “whale”-mail.
6. What do you call a narwhal with a fancy hat? Dapper-tusk!
7. Why did the narwhal cross the ocean? To get to the “other tide.”
8. What game do narwhals love to play at parties? “Truth or Tusk.”
9. Why are narwhals great comedians? They’ve got killer “sea-nse” of humor!
10. What advice did the older narwhal give to the younger one? “Just go with the flow.”
11. What’s a narwhal chef’s specialty? Tusk-ghetti and meatballs.
12. How do narwhals prefer their eggs? “Whale-done.”
13. What’s a narwhal’s favorite sci-fi movie? “Starfish Wars.”
14. What do narwhals watch on TV? “Whale of Fortune.”
15. How do narwhals keep their tusks clean? With “coral” toothpaste.
16. What do you call a group of musical narwhals? An “orca-stra.”
17. How do narwhals tell each other secrets? They “tusk” in private.
18. What did the narwhal say after swimming to the Great Barrier Reef? “This place is ‘reef’-tastic!”
19. Why did the narwhal bring a ladder? To reach the “high-tides.”
20. What kind of candy do narwhals love? “Swedish fish!”
21. How do narwhals prefer their jokes served? “Rawr” and fresh.
22. What’s a narwhal’s favorite Shakespeare play? “Julius Sease-her.”
23. What’s a narwhal’s go-to exercise? Ab-“whale”-ancher!
24. How do narwhals show affection? They “tusk” each other gently.
25. What do you call a narwhal with an opinion on everything? A “know-it-whale.”
26. Why did the baby narwhal cry? He was feeling a bit “blue.”
27. How do narwhals stay fit? By doing “fins”-up.
28. What’s a narwhal’s favorite board game? “Tuna-strategy.”
29. Why do narwhals make great journalists? They’ve got a nose for the “scoop.”
30. What’s a narwhal’s favorite app? “Tinder” for hookups with other single whales!
31. What’s a narwhal’s favorite dessert? “Whalebacon cupcakes.”
32. How do narwhals end their emails? “Best fishes.”
33. What do narwhals like to eat on vacation? “Krill”-grilled shrimps.

34. What did the tired narwhal say? “I’m feeling really ‘porpoise’-less today.”
35. What’s a narwhal’s least favorite room in the house? The “leak”-y basement.
36. Why was the narwhal a great musician? She had perfect “sea”-note.
37. What’s a narwhal’s favorite color? Tur-“whale”-quoise.
38. Why don’t narwhals need money? Because they whale-n it in.
39. What did one narwhal say to the other at the dance? “Let’s get krilly with it!”
40. What’s a narwhal’s favorite social media platform? “Insta-gran.”
41. Why do narwhals never play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding that tusk.
42. How do narwhals listen to music? With “wa-blue tooth” headphones.
43. What’s a narwhal’s favorite planet? “Mar-fin.”
44. Why do narwhals love the internet? They can’t resist a good “net.”
45. How do young narwhals learn their ABCs? They use “kelphabets.”
46. What soda do narwhals prefer? “Whale-shake.”
47. Why did the narwhal start a blog? To “whale” his creative ideas.
48. What do narwhals do on a snow day? Build a “nar-snow-man.”
49. What’s a narwhal’s favorite book genre? “Sci-fi and fin-d-fight.”
50. How do narwhals relax? With a good seaweed wrap and some “tuneful” music.
Cute narwhal puns
Ready for a splash of humor? Narwhals, the unicorns of the sea, are perfect for some cute and fin-tastic puns. Let’s dive straight into a sea of giggles with these adorable narwhal puns!
1. Whale you be mine?
2. I’m narwhal-way thinking about you.
3. You’re un-beluga-ble!
4. Tusk, tusk, you’re amazing!
5. Let’s get narwhally crazy!
6. You’re my sea-son to be happy.
7. Whale, whale, whale, look who we have here!
8. I narwhal-ly love you.
9. Don’t give a tusk!
10. Whale done!
11. Holy narwhal!
12. Don’t be such a narwhal-d.
13. You’re flippering awesome!
14. Narwhal you marry me?
15. You’re a sea-riously cool friend.
16. Let’s take a plunge into fun!
17. You blow me away!
18. Tusk me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies.
19. You’re whale-y cute.
20. Narwhal-d music is the best!

21. You’re my sea of joy.
22. Let’s shell-abrate together!
23. Just keep swimming… narwhally!
24. You’re tidal-ly the best.
25. Whale, isn’t this a narwhal-rious time?
26. You’re whale-y special to me.
27. Let’s narwhal-king about it.
28. You make my heart go flippers!
29. You’re tusk-tacular!
30. I’m over-whale-med by your kindness.
31. Have a narwhal-ous day!
32. That’s narwhal I’m talking about!
33. Don’t stop beluga-ving.
34. You’re the porpoise of my happiness.
35. It’s a whale of a time!
36. Yule always be my favorite.
37. Whale appreciate your friendship.
38. Tusk those worries aside!
39. Whale played!
40. You krill me with your jokes.
41. Flippin’ through life like a narwhal.
42. Stay fin-tastic!
43. Narwhals make me smile!
44. Splash into the fun!
45. You’re the reel deal.
46. Narwhal I do for you?
47. You sea-riously rock!
48. Don’t be crabby, be narwhal-ly happy.
49 .I’m shore you’ll love this.
50. We’re just fin friends!
So there you have it! Narwhals aren’t just the unicorns of the sea, they’re the jesters too! Whether you’re planning a narwhal-themed party or just need a good laugh these puns are sure to make a splash.
Remember the next time you see a narwhal think of all the fin-tastic jokes waiting to be told. Keep spreading the narwhal love and don’t forget to share these puns with your friends. After all, a day without laughter is like a narwhal without its tusk – just plain wrong!