Gorilla Puns

I’ve always believed that laughter is the best medicine, and when it comes to gorilla puns, it’s a jungle of giggles out there! Who knew that these magnificent creatures could inspire such a barrel of laughs? Whether you’re a pun enthusiast or just someone who enjoys a good chuckle, gorilla puns are guaranteed to leave you in stitches.

Funny gorilla puns and jokes

  1. Why don’t gorillas use computers? They’re afraid of bits and bytes!
  2. What did the gorilla wear to the beach? A donkey-kong.
  3. How do gorillas get down the stairs? They slide down the banana-ster.
  4. When do gorillas go to the vet? When they’re feeling a little ape-ish.
  5. Why are gorillas such good singers? They’ve got natural ape-peal.
  6. What’s a gorilla’s favorite drink? Ape-ricot juice.
  7. How do gorillas keep fit? Jungle-ing.
  8. What’s a gorilla’s dream car? A ferrape-ri.
  9. Where do gorillas like to play? On the monkey bars.
  10. What do gorillas do for a living? They ape-erate.
  11. What should you say when you meet a gorilla? “It’s a real ape-leasure!”
  12. What’s a gorilla’s favorite martial art? Kong-fu.
  13. Why did the gorilla cross the road? Planet of the bapes.
  14. What do gorillas wear in the kitchen? Aprons.
  15. How do you make a gorilla laugh? Show them some jungle-ry.
  16. What do gorillas eat before they train? Pre-gorillanance drinks.
  17. What’s a gorilla’s favorite sci-fi series? Planet of the Apes Star Fleet.
  18. What do you call two gorillas sharing an Amazon account? Prime-mates.
  19. How does a gorilla smell? With its nose, of course!
  20. How do lemonade-loving gorillas show affection? With lemon-squeeze hugs.
  21. What game do gorillas play at recess? Ape-sketball.
  22. What’s a gorilla’s favorite opera? Ape-ra Carmen.
  23. Why was the gorilla hired as a chef? He made the best banana cream pies.
  24. What type of music do gorillas dislike? Anything with a little treble.
  25. How do gorillas like their eggs? Not ape-scrambled.
  26. What’s a gorilla’s favorite programming language? Java-groove.
  27. Why do gorillas never fight over banana splits? They share peacefully.
  28. What do you call a gorilla with a dreary attitude? The Kong-quistador.
  29. How do you get a gorilla with an upper respiratory infection off a cloud? You ape-tell it down.
  30. What’s a gorilla’s favorite treat during Halloween? Ape-ple bobbing.
  31. What do gorillas say when they’re in love? “I’m bananas for you!”
  32. What do you call a dance-loving gorilla? A party Kong.
  33. What talent did the gorilla discover? A heartfelt gorilla-gram.
  34. What’s a gorilla’s favorite Shakespeare play? Ape-thello.
  35. When did the gorilla win a contest? When he was kong-gratulated.
  36. What do you call a gorilla that makes music? A Kong-ductor.
  37. How do gorillas apologize? “I’m sorry for my apeish-cape.”
  38. What do gorillas watch on TV? The Kong-adventures.
  39. Why did the gorilla sit on a clock? It wanted to be on time.
  40. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of social media? Instagorilla.
  41. When’s a good time to see gorillas? During the ape-ternoon.
  42. What’s a cheeky gorilla’s trademark move? The banana-slip.
  43. What do you call a well-dressed gorilla? Ape-telier.
  44. Why’s the gorilla always so peaceful? It knows how to find ape-solace.
  45. What’s a gorilla’s favorite day of the week? Banana-day.
  46. What did the gorilla say to its best friend? “You’re un-beat-able!”
  47. Why don’t gorillas gamble? They don’t like to ape their bets.
  48. What’s the gorilla’s house favorite feature? The gorilla-railing.
  49. What do you call a hyper-intelligent gorilla? A-macaque-demic.
  50. Why did the gorilla pass out at the party? It went bananas!

Gorilla puns one liners

Ready to unleash some ape-solute hilarity? These gorilla puns are sure to monkey around with your funny bone.

  1. What do gorillas and computers have in common? They both love a good byte!
  2. Why don’t gorillas use computers? They’re afraid of the mouse!
  3. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of music? Ape rock!
  4. Why did the gorilla open a bakery? To get into the banana bread business!
  5. How do gorillas like their eggs? Ape-side up!
  6. When does a gorilla sing? When it’s lost in moo-sic!
  7. What’s a gorilla’s favorite move in chess? The King Kong!
  8. Why was the gorilla so good at baseball? Because every swing was a hit!
  9. Where do gorillas sleep? Anywhere they want!
  10. How do gorillas get down the stairs? They go banana-slide!
  11. What do gorillas call a quick snack? Monkey business!
  12. What did the gorilla say when it met its reflection? “Stop monkeying around!”
  13. Why did the gorilla join the gym? It heard there were plenty of great ape-y classes!
  14. How do gorillas apologize? They give a hug and say, “Sorry, I went ape!”
  15. Why did the gorilla become a gardener? To grow ape-ricots!
  16. What do you call a gorilla who knows martial arts? An ape-ricot black belt!
  17. Why was the gorilla so relaxed? It practiced ape yoga!
  18. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of book? Anything with a strong ape-lead!
  19. Why did the gorilla bring a ladder to the bar? It heard the drinks were on the house!
  20. How do gorillas listen to music? With ape-pods!
  21. What do gorillas do when they’re bored? Swing online for some instant ape-preeciation!
  22. Why are gorillas so great at conversations? Because they have ape-solute charm!
  23. What’s a gorilla’s favorite dessert? Chimpan-pudding!
  24. Why did the gorilla always carry an umbrella? It liked to be ready for monkey business!
  25. What size coffee does a gorilla prefer? Grande, because they love things that go ape!
  26. How do gorillas cheer up? They hang out with their bananas!
  27. Why are gorillas always invited to parties? They’re ape-plauded for their company!
  28. What do you call a gorilla with sunglasses? A cool primate!
  29. How do gorillas get so buff? They hit the jungle gym!
  30. Why did the gorilla love fixing cars? It felt like a real monkey wrench!
  31. What do baby gorillas play with? Ape-bloques!
  32. Why did the gorilla skip lunch? It was in ape-o-fast!
  33. What’s a gorilla’s favorite pastime? Swinging in laughter!
  34. How do gorillas organize events? They make them a-peeling for all!
  35. Why was the gorilla such a good singer? It always stayed in tune with nature!
  36. How do gorillas keep fit? They’ve got gorilla yoga down ape-solutely!
  37. What did the gorilla say to its crush? “You’re the ape for me!”
  38. Why did the gorilla cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken-hearted!
  39. What’s a gorilla’s favorite holiday? Ape-ril Fool’s Day!
  40. How do gorillas handle breakups? They take a leaf out of their banana book!
  41. Why did the gorilla learn French? To be an ape-propos bilingual!
  42. What do gorillas call a long commute? An ape-long drive!
  43. Why was the gorilla great at math? It understood the ape-rations!
  44. How do gorillas make tough decisions? They look at all angles and go bananas!
  45. What’s a gorilla’s workout playlist? Ape-bangers only!
  46. Why do gorillas never get lost? They always go ape-best!
  47. What’s a gorilla’s favorite movie genre? A-pea movies!
  48. How do gorillas pick their bananas? With an a-peel to freshness!
  49. Why did the gorilla turn down a job offer? It preferred the free-swinging life!
  50. What’s a gorilla’s favorite social media app? Chimp-chat!

Bad gorilla puns

Sometimes you’ve gotta go bananas with humor, and bad gorilla puns do just that. Even when they’re so bad you wonder why they exist, they deliver a unique kind of laughter. Let’s dive into the jungle of cringe-worthy gorilla wordplay. Here are 50 gems, if not diamonds in the rough.

  1. Why did the gorilla cross the road? To prove it wasn’t a chicken!
  2. What’s a gorilla’s favorite artist? Ape-icasso!
  3. Why don’t gorillas use phones? They’re afraid of getting a gorilla-glitch!
  4. What’s a gorilla’s favorite kind of movie? A King Kong-fu flick!
  5. Why don’t gorillas play basketball? They’re afraid of being fouled out!
  6. What do you call a gorilla with headphones? Anything you want, it can’t hear you!
  7. Why don’t gorillas eat fast food? They’re into slow-cooked bamboo!
  8. What do gorillas sing in the shower? “Royale with Cheese”!
  9. Why are gorillas bad at telling secrets? They always go ape!
  10. How do gorillas become chefs? They start with ape-prenticeships!
  11. What’s a gorilla’s least favorite vegetable? Brussels sprouts, they prefer ape-ricots!
  12. Why did the gorilla bring a ladder? It wanted to reach new heights!
  13. What’s a gorilla’s favorite holiday? Ape-pril Fools’ Day!
  14. Why do gorillas love the jungle? It’s their stomping ground!
  15. What’s a gorilla’s favorite dessert? Bananas Flambé!
  16. Why don’t gorillas make good sailors? They’re always panicking in the chimp-unk!
  17. What do gorillas read at breakfast? The Ape-rican Times!
  18. Why did the gorilla start a garage band? It wanted to go ape on the drums!
  19. What’s a gorilla’s favorite board game? Ape-akhu!
  20. How do gorillas communicate? In monkey business!
  21. Why do gorillas never lie? They always keep it factual.
  22. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of footwear? Open-toe sandals—they’re bananas!
  23. Why don’t gorillas like camping? They can’t handle the in-tents situations!
  24. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of pasta? Ape-aghetti!
  25. Why are gorillas bad dancers? They have two left feet!
  26. How do gorillas ask for a bedtime story? “Once upon a banana hour…”
  27. What’s a gorilla’s favorite soda? Ape-root!
  28. Why didn’t the gorilla accept the job offer? It already had a-leaf!
  29. What do gorillas do at parties? Go bananas on the dance floor!
  30. Why did the gorilla break the internet? It couldn’t handle the meme-endo!
  31. What’s a gorilla’s favorite gym equipment? The mon(k)ey wrench!
  32. Why are gorillas great musicians? They’re naturals at ape-la-cords!
  33. How do you apologize to a gorilla? “I’m a-peeling sorry!”
  34. What’s a gorilla’s favorite place to sleep? An ape-hauler!
  35. Why do gorillas avoid rainy days? They hate getting a chimp-in’ wet!
  36. What’s a gorilla’s least favorite chore? Climbing the laundry ladder!
  37. Why did the gorilla become a teacher? It valued ape-cation!
  38. What do you call a gorilla on a diet? Lite ape-ricot!
  39. How do gorillas greet each other? “Hey there, chip!”
  40. Why did the gorilla fail his martial arts test? It couldn’t achieve chimp-laxity!
  41. What’s a gorilla’s dream vacation? An ape-laying on Mondays!
  42. Why do gorillas love the weekend? They let their chip down!
  43. What’s a gorilla’s favorite reality TV show? Ape-mazing Razes!
  44. Why do gorillas avoid mirrors? They hate ape-praisals!
  45. What’s a gorilla’s favorite sea creature? The manta-ray-illa!
  46. Why do gorillas study history? They love learning about ape-ncestors!
  47. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of chocolate? Gorilla Hershey!
  48. What’s a gorilla’s hobby? Ape-coiling bananas!
  49. Why don’t gorillas enjoy puzzles? Too many missing ape-ces!
  50. How do gorillas keep cool in the summer? Ape-conditioning!

Gorilla puns for Instagram

  1. Feeling gorilla-good today!
  2. Going bananas for this vibe!
  3. Just hanging around like a gorilla.
  4. Keeping it ape-solutely real.
  5. Don’t monkey around—just be gorilla-tastic!
  6. I ape-solutely love this place!
  7. Going ape over this view!
  8. Being gorilla-rific is a full-time job.
  9. Gorill-ing it today!
  10. Hangin’ out with my fur-ends.
  11. Just a gorilla in a selfie world.
  12. Banana-grams from the jungle!
  13. Quit monkeying around and follow me!
  14. Be gorilla-morable.
  15. Welcome to my jungle, folks!
  16. Spinning tales of jungle joy.
  17. Out of the mist, into my feed.
  18. Time to gorilla-ize my day!
  19. In a gorilla state of mind.
  20. Ape parallels everywhere I look.
  21. Feeling devious, or just gorilla-playful?
  22. Jungle vibes are a great fit on me.
  23. How do I like my selfies? Gorilla-style.
  24. Ape-rior luck on safari!
  25. This feed is going ape-wild!
  26. A moment of silence for my banana smoothie.
  27. Gorillas have bananas—I’ve got sass.
  28. Can’t stop that gorilla groove.
  29. Living life one monkey pun at a time.
  30. May the ape be with you.
  31. Going bananas ain’t just for gorillas.
  32. The best puns refresh like a jungle breeze.
  33. Monkey see, gorilla do!
  34. Life’s a jungle—make a great escape.
  35. Hanging in there like a pro.
  36. Unleash the beast (in the best way).
  37. Seeking friends that are ape-solutely fabulous.
  38. Jungle vibes, gorilla grins.
  39. No monkey business here—only gorilla laughs.
  40. Ape-solutely the best day ever!
  41. You gorilla me with these vibes.
  42. Ain’t no mountains high enough to stop these puns.
  43. Gorill-ithium is the new social media craze.
  44. Let’s get ape-solutely punny.
  45. Knuckling down to the beat of my own drums.
  46. Wait a serial, is this pun gone bananas yet?
  47. Bananas may be appealing, but gorillas are a-peel-ing!
  48. Ape your troubles away with a giggle.
  49. Join the jungle jive, my tribe.
  50. Keep calm and gorilla on.


So there you have it folks—gorilla puns are the king of the jungle when it comes to humor! Whether you’re a pun aficionado or just someone who appreciates a good chuckle these clever wordplays never fail to deliver a barrel of laughs. From gorillas in tech to their beachwear choices and even their musical tastes these puns cover it all with a dose of gorilla-sized wit.

Next time you’re looking for a laugh or a quirky Instagram caption just remember the power of a well-timed gorilla pun. They’re the perfect way to add a bit of monkey business to your day and keep the giggles going strong. So go ahead unleash your inner pun master and let the gorilla-inspired hilarity ensue!